8 Ways To Reduce The Feeling Of Being Untrained
A new Pastor’s wife who is told 'just be yourself’ soon discovers it isn’t enough. The couple have a call to the ministry so they agree for the husband to attend Bible College. Likewise, he may be in a team situation and will receive training from his senior minister.
During this time the wife will often work to financially support the family. She may also be required to carry an additional share of parenting responsibilities and keep the children quiet in order for her husband to study.
The day finally arrives when their dream is fulfilled. They now have their own church.
Husband feeling nervous but confident says, 'I can do this. I have been trained, equipped and anointed to preach and to pastor our church'.
Wife feeling equally nervous but totally overwhelmed says, 'I have not been trained. I have not been equipped or anointed. I don't know who I am meant to be or what I am meant to do'.
She has just stepped into a whole new world of leadership challenges, people pressure, hospitality requirements, living in the public eye, sharing her husband with their church and so much, much more – all on a 'just be yourself!'
8 ways to reduce the feeling of being untrained
1. Look for and initiate contact with an older Pastor’s wife with whom you can relate.
2. Scan the internet for Pastors’ Wives web pages, articles, books and conferences that fit with who you are and your style of church.
3. Look for and initiate contact with peer Pastors’ wives in your area and also within your denomination.
4. Maintain confidence that yes, God has chosen you, called you, is for you and is with you.
5. Complete an on-line leadership course.
6. Withstand pressure to perform and expectation from others.
7. Be true to the genuine you.
8. Engage a ministry coach or mentor.