Employer Or Love Of Your Life?

Is God my employer? Do I work for God?

I thought :

God and I have a working relationship. He is the employer and I am working for God. I am working hard, working long hours, even working on my day off to fulfill His vision of ‘I will build My church’.

It is His church, not mine, I am working for Him.

I thought :

I work for and with God, caring for His people, loving, counselling, visiting, listening to, encouraging and much more.

I work for and with God, in prayer for His people. Praying for staff, volunteers, departmental issues, finances, health problems, family crisis and much more.

I work for and with God as I wait on Him and for Him, to receive for His people revelation on His word, anointing, infilling to impart His peace or healing and much more.

Then I opened my Bible and these words leapt off the page –

‘I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. You have patiently suffered for Me without quitting…..but you have left your first love’. Revelation 2:1-4

Employer Or Love Of Your Life

Wow, that stopped me short.

I realized I had let my focus twist all around the wrong way.

I had allowed myself to become so busy working for God that I had forgotten to take the time for being lost in the wonder Him.

He is again the love of my life.

Now I take the time to enjoy His presence, ask for nothing but thank Him for everything, be in awe of His goodness, sit in companionable silence and love Him for being His outstanding self.


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