How To Get More Of God In Your Life


How To Get More Of God In Your Life

Have you ever been locked in a stair well? ‘You have got to be kidding me’, was the thought which came to mind. 3 lifts to move hundreds of people. Bodies squeezed in to fill to capacity each lift. Impatience and frustration filled the atmosphere for those still waiting to exit the conference level floor.

An idea dawned. The stair well. There must be a stair well. Flinging the door open I proceeded to run down the stairs, floor after floor, spiraling down until I came to an abrupt halt. How many flights of stairs had I run down? I had no idea. What floor was I on? I had no idea.

Doing a U turn I headed back up the stairs. Which floor did I enter this stair well from? Again, I had no idea. I tried to open the door on each level but they were locked. I was gasping for air and my heart raced. Panic began to set in. I banged furiously on the door but to no avail. With the intake of a deep breath, I remembered my phone.

My husband answered, ‘Where are you?’ I shrieked a reply as my claustrophobia intensified, ‘I’m stuck in the stair well and I can’t get out’. His immediate response, ‘I’m coming.’

My mind. My emotions. My whole being were solely focused on 1 thing – get me out of this stair well.

We live in a world of many, many things. Things like work, school runs, social media, shopping, exercise, connect group, pastoral care, hospitality, cooking, church to name just a few.

These many things are good and necessary things. But somewhere amid these many things which fill your day, you need to locate your 1 thing. The 1 thing everything else revolves around and falls in line behind.

David, being king, lived in a world of many, many things. But he had 1 thing he wanted more than anything else. David tells us what that 1 thing is in

Ps 27:4.

              One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek, that I may dwell

              in the house of the Lord all the days of my life

Why?    To behold the beauty, the delightfulness of the Lord, and to inquire in            

              His temple.

David desired 1 thing. How many things did David desire? 1.

David said, ‘That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life’. Now I know many a pastor’s wife has had times when it feels like you dwell in the house of the Lord.  How many times have you thought, ‘I should just set up my bed here’?

The house of the Lord was the location where David met with his God. David’s desire was to behold, or to gaze on the beauty, delightfulness, wonder, magnitude, outstandingness of his God. Where is your location to meet with and behold your God?

Often, the 1st question that comes to mind when anyone mentions devoting time with God is, ‘When am I going to find time to do that?’

I have found that desire is a time creator. Desire will in reality create time. If there is a movie I want to see, gardening I want to do, book I want to read, holiday destination I want to research, computer programme I want to learn – the desire is strong enough to shift some of the many other things to make time.

Like David, your desire to have God as your 1 thing is a natural bias God has placed within you. A little fanning of this desire will reignite the flame.

When God is your 1 thing peace is settled in your heart, you are more confident and have an increased awareness of His presence with you. Your identity is secure as you confidently know you are a daughter of God before you are a wife, mother or minister. Everything you do flows out of your relationship with Him.

2 ways to get more of God in your life.

…Relax and work with your season of life.

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Photo by skeeze

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Photo by 9355

Photo by Sorbyphoto

Photo by Sorbyphoto

Photo by Skitterphoto

Photo by Skitterphoto

God created seasons and therefore understands the changes and adjustments which occur within each season. Life is a series of seasons.

While single: You have the huge advantage of being able to serve the Lord with undivided and undistracted devotion. 1 Cor 7:34,35. Once you add a husband and then children to this equation your distractions multiply.

With little ones: Most likely you have baby brain and are sleep deprived. You are on call 24/7 with no lengthy time slots available to spend with God. Be kind to yourself. Remember often God said, ‘I will gently lead those with young’. Ish 40:11. Be with God in the moment as and when it happens.

Working, children, young adults, Mum’s taxi, menopause, empty nest: During these seasons prioritize God as your 1 thing in the midst of the many things. Work with your schedule. Work with how you are wired. If you are a morning person you will be able to behold the wonder of your God more easily in the morning. If you are a night person this is the best time slot for you.

…Unearth innovative ways and establish trigger points to include

God in your everyday routine.

Some examples are talking with God while waiting to pick up your children from school. In the time it takes for the kettle to boil thank God for 1 thing. Talk over your day with God in the shower.  While standing in a queue at the supermarket, bus stop or coffee shop turn your thoughts toward the Lord and pray for people around you.

3 questions I put to you...

  • When or how do you successfully include God as your 1 thing in your day?

  • What is the stand out obstacle hindering you from spending the time you would like to with your God?

  • What is 1 strategic thing you can do to shift that obstacle?

We can get so caught up focusing on our relationship with God we forget that God’s desire for relationship with us is stronger than ours for Him.

Jesus dropped in on Mary and Martha this day. Martha was running around like a cat chasing its tail when Jesus says to her, ‘Martha, you are worried and concerned with many valid everyday things which need to be done. But I have come to spend time with you. You Martha. I appreciate all you are doing for Me but please leave the many things and come spend time with Me. Let Me be your focus. Let Me be your 1 thing’.  Luke 10:38-42

God’s desire for relationship with you is expressed by John to the Ephesian church in Revelation. God says, ‘I am rapt with all you are achieving, the people you are reaching. In fact, everything you are doing for Me. But 1 thing I have against you. In the doing of many things for Me, you have lost the 1 thing, your 1st love for Me’.  Rev 2:2-4

God shows us His heart. His desire for relationship with you. Him to be your 1 thing. Then follows service for Him.

What 1 thing will you change today?

Photo by Maklay62

Photo by Maklay62


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