What To Do When You Are Pregnant With Possibility


Mary balanced and swayed in rhythm with the donkey, kilometre after gruelling kilometre with her already swollen feet getting larger by the hour as they dangled in space by the donkey’s side. Eventually he comes to a halt enabling her to slide her tired body from his back to the ground. Both Mary and the donkey give a deep sigh of relief. Ah, to lie down. She lay on her aching back, cushioned from the hard earth beneath by a thin blanket, hands resting on her bulging belly.

Mary speaks soft and comforting words to her baby within, assuring the little one and herself, that everything is going to be just fine when they finally arrive in Bethlehem.

Mary was pregnant with possibility. There are occasional times in our life when we also are pregnant with a God initiated possibility. He will securely embed within the womb of your spirit a seed of possibility that will, in a future time, be birthed into reality.

As a young woman, I was observing and learning from our leader as she led with expertise the discussion in the women’s small group. My thoughts wandered and in that moment God planted a seed of possibility within my spirit. The seed was that one day in my future I would lead a women’s ministry that extended beyond the borders of my local church. I would bring women together and the ministry would be inclusive of different denominational streams.

I was flabbergasted by the enormity of the possibility and dwarfed by my absolute lack of ability to bring it to pass even if I wanted to, which I wasn’t exactly sure at that time that I did! I gave the whole idea back to God accompanied with a, ‘This is totally beyond me, but it isn’t beyond You. Let it be to me according to Your word.’

Time passed. I was asked to lead my own church’s women’s ministry where I personally grew, gained experience and developed my skill levels. All the while my love for and belief in God’s outstanding design for women flourished. During this period, I also transitioned from being a team member for a multi-denominational ministry to pastors’ wives in our city, to leading it.

A prophetic word followed in which God said that I would take this multi-denominational ministry to pastor’s wives and ministry women global. With the birth of Conversations with a Pastor’s Wife this seed which God planted within my spirit all those years ago has become an actuality.

The gestation or journey between God having planted a seed, a dream, a vision, an out-there idea, or a ‘You have got to be kidding me God’ thought, in your spirit and the birthing of it into a tangible reality is called faith.

Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. Heb 11:1 NL

Expecting by _Imaji_

Expecting by _Imaji_

In the early phase of Mary’s pregnancy there was no showing of physical evidence that she was pregnant. All Mary had was a promise from God, a deep inner knowing, followed by a prophetic word of confirmation from Elizabeth, who was herself living the reality of the impossible becoming possible.

During this incubation faith season, there are many joys. A sense of excitement and expectancy; feeling the changes taking place within you; you imagine holding, feeling, touching your possibility; you can envision your future in this new venture; you prepare and educate yourself in readiness for its arrival.

During this incubation faith season, there are also many trials. It is necessary to hold the announcement of your growing possibility until God gives you the go ahead to share with others; handling people’s responses to your news who aren’t as excited about it as you are; needing a supportive person who believes with you for that which God is going to birth through your obedience to Him. Then comes the intensity of emotion when you are just desparate to give birth only it isn’t yet the appointed time, you must wait.

Scripture doesn’t tell us a great deal as to Mary’s personal details. It doesn’t tell us her height or weight, whether she was beautiful or plain, what her personality was like, or her gifting. No mention is made of her weaknesses, fears, faults or strengths. Scripture does tell us however, that Mary had a willing and obedient heart toward her God.

What to do when you are pregnant with possibility.

... Recognise, believe and rest in the knowledge God has chosen you and trusts you with His purpose which will be birthed in a future season of your life.

... Understand God will complete a work in you in readiness for His future intention. He knows the woman He needs for you to be, the expertise and experience you need to have gained prior to the birthing of His purpose.

... Be comfortable knowing the seed which God has planted in the womb of your spirit is a seed which will take time, possibly years to grow.

... Hide the seed in your heart, hold onto it in faith. It needs to be watched over, cared for, dreamed about, planned for, prayed through and then given birth in the timing of God.

… Avoid at all cost doing an Abraham by endeavouring to bring God’s promise to pass in your own timing and in your own way.

God views you as a faith filled woman, a woman He can trust. A woman who has a willing attitude to say, ‘Yes, Lord, I will carry Your seed of possibility full term and birth Your purpose into being’.

While stars sparkled brightly in a hued evening sky and angels looked on in breathtaking wonder, Mary gave birth to her precious God given possibly and new life began.

What possibility in God are you pregnant with?

Photo by geralt

Photo by geralt

Happy Christmas from me to you.

This is my last blog for the year. I will be back again in 2018.


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