Captivating Insight How To Be An Exemplary Team Pastor’s Wife
Shocked and frustrated I left the office of my senior pastor. I had just poured out my heart, explaining to him a bundle of the pressures and challenges I was facing in my first year as a team pastor’s wife.
What Do Stressed Out Pastor’s Wives Say About Putting God First
It was late in the evening. Visiting hours at the hospital had long since finished. Our newborn daughter, whom I had traumatically delivered a few days earlier, was safe and snug in the care of the nursery staff. I walked, or waddled really, arm in arm with my husband to the after-hours exit door.
How To Avoid Excruciating Back Breaking Life Travel
‘Europe’, I exclaimed. ‘That will be totally fantastic’. Then came the question that pops first in every woman’s mind, ‘What shall I wear?’ Followed closely by, ‘Which suitcase will I take?’ Travelling through life is exhilarating at times. We walk with lightness, there’s a spring in our step, joy in our heart.