5 Ways To Boost Your Courage That Will Impress Your Friends

Have you ever stepped out to achieve something where you have felt the fear raging within and yet done it anyway? This is called courage.

Have you seen the John Ortberg book, “If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat? “

This is called courage.

In my book, In Her Shoes, I show that Esther’s heart was gripped with fear and her ability to think clearly, froze.

The only words that came, and kept repeating themselves were, ‘No, no, no, I can’t, Mordecai has no idea what he is asking of me.’

Haman, a man controlled by pride, hungry for revenge and the king’s right hand man, had put into operation his diabolical conniving plan to annihilate every person, man, woman and child, of Jewish origin in every province over which the king had dominion.

Mordecai knew Esther was the sole person who had the influence that might avert the massacre.

He had just placed the hope of her people’s future onto her young shoulders by asking her to go before the king to plead for their lives.

The problem for Esther was that in order to plead for the lives of her people she had to go unannounced into the presence of the king and even though she was his wife, it would still mean instant death for her if he chose not to accept her.

Courage is an understated quality and an underrated value.

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Courage is what you draw upon when faced with fear, when you step out of your comfort zone or attempt to do something you have never done before.

As a pastor’s wife we are all too often faced with situations which require us to find courage.

People in our congregation can be of the opinion or thought that the pastor’s wife is a little like Wonder Woman, where she has the ability to move confidently into any situation that may cross her path or that she may find herself faced with.

Many pastors’ wives are shy and introverts.

At times they feel inadequate, untrained and overwhelmed by the enormity of the call of God on their life and by the many expectations placed upon them.

In a variety of situations, a pastor’s wife would much rather be, and truthfully be, more comfortable in taking one step backward rather than a courageous step forward.

5 Ways To Boost Your Courage (And It Will Impress Your Friends)

1. Continually be doing something for the first time. I ask – ‘When was the last time you did something for the first time?’

2. Contemplate on and learn from past experiences. Ask yourself – ‘What did I do right, what could I have done better, if I was to do this again what would I do differently?’

3. Step through every door of opportunity which opens for you and is accompanied with God’s green light.


4. Develop trusted people in your world who will encourage you. Mordecai encouraged Esther. Encourage means to put courage into someone or inspire them to courage.

5. Rest in the confidence and knowledge that God is totally for you and continuously with you.

5 Benefits of Stepping Out in Courage

1. Courage moves you into a place to see and experience the miraculous of God. Esther saw God intervene in an overwhelmingly impossible situation.

2. Courage enables peace of mind with God. It is a peaceful feeling to know all is good between you and God and knowing that even in the midst of your fear, you stepped out and into what God had asked you to do.

3. Courage stretches and grows you as a person

4. Courage brings an deep seated sense of satisfaction. You are able to stand back and see what you and God have achieved together. The Feast of Purim was initiated as a reminder of what God and Esther together had achieved.

5. Courage enables faith, trust and confidence in God to grow to new levels.

Go forth today. Be strong and of good courage for your God is with you.


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