5 Ways To Ensure You Get To Where God Wants You To Go

Have you ever wondered if God really knows what He is doing? Have you ever asked the ‘Why, God?’ question? We know all about our current ‘here’ and we can sometimes think we know all about our future ‘there’.

We can rest in the knowledge that God definitely knows all about our ‘there’, only He doesn’t always tell us what we would like to know about our ‘there’; the future which He has purposed and planned for us.

You may have an inkling, or have had a prophetic word, or maybe even a vision related to your future ‘there’. Occasionally I have had what I like to refer to as a lift door experience.

A lift door experience is when God takes you up in a lift, the doors open on a higher level than the current one you are on, you look out and in a split second you catch a glimpse of yourself doing something which you’ve not done before.

lift door photo

As you begin to get a grasp on what you are seeing, the lift doors quickly close and you return to your current level, only to have what you saw in that split second embedded in seed form within your spirit.

God knows where He is taking you and precisely how to get you there. He is taking you to His preferred future for you and in all honesty, your own desired ‘there’, or preferred future.

Each day you follow in His footsteps as He leads you step by step, divine appointment by divine appointment, circumstance by circumstance, challenge by challenge, through the valley and over the mountain top as you progress in your life journey.

God also knows the woman He needs and the woman who you will need to be; the skills you will need to have acquired, character adjustments that will have needed to be made, life experience to be learnt, word of God memorized and activated as a normal part of your life; all before you arrive at His ‘there’.

If you arrive in God’s future ‘there’ without adequately having completed the middle section in between ‘here’ and ‘there’ you will find yourself ill equipped and incredibly under prepared for all that will now be required of you.

My Grandmother's Piano

I remember the day I sat on my grandmother’s piano stool, flexed my little fingers and then placed them on those black and white keys with an expectancy to make music like a concert pianist.

play piano


It didn’t happen. Had I chosen to continue in this field, there would have been a significant amount of music lessons and hours of scales practice between that little girl’s ‘here’ and the ‘there’ she anticipated.

At a pastors’ wives’ conference the guest speaker gave me a prophetic word, telling me that God had made me a bridge, an intricately built and a strong bridge that would not crumble under a heavy load.

As I later contemplated on this picture I couldn’t help but think, ‘Wow God, is this why I have been through such tough challenges on many occasions, faced difficult situations and when I could have walked away from ministry I made a determined decision to stand.

I hadn’t realized or recognised it at the time of these happenings that You were building me into a woman who was a strong bridge who could carry the weight of others and was safe place for people to cross my life enabling them to reach their destination.’

The middle section between your ‘here’ and your future ‘there’ is one of preparation.

Queen Esther was not going to just become queen. Hegai, the custodian of the women became her coach during the twelve month preparation process set in place for her, divided into two six-month sections. Everything she experienced – the oil of myrrh, perfumes, soothing balms, sweet spices and bubble baths; mixed with the challenges of the loss of her identity, the loss of everything familiar and her security, the loneliness and a strong inner feeling of being different.

All she was taught and trained in was specifically designed to equip and prepare her physically, mentally and emotionally in the ways of a queen.

5 Ways To Ensure You Get To Where God Wants You To Go

1. Work with God as He works in your life. You will probably not understand the why and at times see no apparent connection to your current life season as God prepares you for the fulfillment of His divine purposes in your future.

2. During the good, fun, happy, exciting, easy going and prosperous seasons enjoy them to the max.

3. During the challenging, painful, difficult, deep heart searching and testing seasons allow God to grow you and change you. Remind yourself often that He is with you and has promised never to leave you.

4. Be alert to learn at least one lesson, or to gain an additional level of insight, from each season in life that you pass through.

Continually be asking God, ‘What are You teaching me? What do You want me to learn about You, myself, my marriage, people, leadership or whatever?’

5. Take a fresh look at Isaiah 64:8 which explains how God is the potter and we are the clay. Rest with the confidence that God knows exactly what He is doing with your life and the desired vessel for His honour which He is in the process of making.

I love the combination of versions of Jer 29:11 in which God says, ‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you and I know the plans I have for you’.

God actually takes the time to think about you and has purposed predetermined plans for you. Then He says, ‘Those plans are to prosper you, to give you hope and a future.’


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