How A Bible Heroine Can Influence Your Life Of Intimacy
Surrounded by magnificent towering marble pillars, Esther, this beautiful slip of a woman with her dark exotic features, was feeling rather dwarfed and insignificant as she stood patiently waiting in the king’s court. Her eyes became fixed on the door before her, her attention having been caught by the over-sized intricately engraved golden handle. Shortly, this handle would turn and she would be ushered into the king’s private chamber.
Esther and her king were together, alone and intertwined in intimate relationship. You and your King will grow to new depths of intimacy in your relationship as you spend time together and alone, just the two of you without outside distraction.
Set aside time to turn off your phone, take out your ear plugs and sit quietly looking into His face, getting to know the person of your God, who He is, the wonder, mystery and excellence of His personality. Seek His face before you seek His hand.
We know God through His word, worship, prayer and chatting with Him throughout the day.
How and when we do these is individual to each one only be aware to avoid putting your intimacy with God into a box or routine that can become stale.
Allow plenty of opportunity for variety and creativity in your relationship.
My phone has actually added a new dimension to my prayer life. When walking for exercise or from the car park into and around the shopping centre; while waiting for someone in a café or in a whole range of other situations.
I turn my phone to silent mode, put it to my ear and chat away to my Father. No one takes the slightest notice or turns a head because lots of other people are also talking to someone on their phone.
The meaning of intimate is ‘to be closely acquainted’. Paul expresses his desire for intimacy with His God in Phil 3:10
That I may know Him … progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him; perceiving, recognizing, understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly.
Intimacy with God creates a growing depth of love for Him which in turn overflows into being relaxed and comfortable in His presence.
Esther, inexperienced as she was in the ways of intimacy, was required to give her all to capture the attention and heart of her king. A partial commitment, or a half-hearted effort, would not have achieved this. Esther gave her all, gave the totality of who she was to her king and from this beautiful place of intimacy God was able to fulfil His purpose in and through her life, as He will do for you.
Why not pick up your phone right now and have a talk with God?
Excerpt taken from In Her Shoes by Dianne Finkelde