One Way A Pastor’s Wife Can Radically Change Her Life

We are living in a most exciting time in church history for pastors’ wives. A time when women’s God given call, gifting, passion and expertise are being recognised and released into the life of the church.

The previous generation’s ‘one size fits all’ pastor’s wife box  is currently being dismantled, and women are discovering their own unique expression in accordance with who they are, how they are wired and that which works best for them in their current life season.

I grew up under, and learnt from my senior pastor’s wife, the model of ‘one size fits all’.

So when I then stepped into her position and became the senior pastor’s wife, I picked up and put on that model.

It didn’t fit well, I found it uncomfortable, and in so many ways it was just not me; so I began to change and adjust the model until it fitted comfortably for my personal self.

These changes came about firstly with me as I began to discover afresh a greater understanding of who I was; how this was then outworked as the pastor’s wife; and how my gifting and expertise could best benefit the church.

Pastor’s Wife Can Radically Change Her Life

This was followed by mustering up the courage to bring about the changes I needed to make which would enable me to flourish in being myself.

My husband was fully supportive of me and willingly released me from the ‘one size fits all’ box as I discovered myself as the pastor’s wife and activated the necessary changes.

One change which eventuated was that my senior pastor’s wife only occasionally appeared on the platform when she would sing an item, whereas I knew God had a call on my life to lead meetings and preach His word.

The church gave me a little push back, but I persisted through because I knew the adjustments being made would ultimately benefit the church.

Pastor’s wife, you are the only you God has and His purpose for you is not to be limited by the box others would endeavour, knowingly or unknowingly to put you in or for you to function in a previous generation’s model.

You are a chosen, distinctive and individual woman who God desires to see flourish in your personal uniqueness and to be the very best you, you can be.

Let me ask: Is there an adjustment, or adjustments, you need to make to dismantle your ‘one size fits all’ box, adjustments which will enable you to flourish as your personal self?

Be courageous and take the first step.


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