9 Ways To Be A Friend To A Pastor's Wife
Being a friend to a pastor’s wife comes with a few scenarios which are in addition and a little different from those of other friendships and need to be taken into consideration for the friendship to be successful. Maintain the strictest confidentiality.
This is of paramount importance and always priority number one. The first time you leak anything she has said to you in confidence be assured that the friendship will move to a level of general information chit chat.
Do not endeavour to monopolise her time on a Sunday or during any other church meeting.
Her focus at these times is connection with and pastoral care for people in the congregation.
Allow her to be herself. Accept and love her as her unique self.
Do not pump her for inside information on church or people happenings.
Take the initiative to be the one to call and/or invite for coffee and do not take offence if she doesn't reciprocate.
Ask her for permission to interrupt her busy world in order to spend time together or if she has given you that permission be confident to act upon it.
A pastor’s wife usually places her own personal replenishment time at the bottom of her to do list, so she needs you to initiate.
Trust her motives and always speak highly of her to others.
Be alert to people who will endeavour to pump you for inside information on her, her pastor husband and her family.
When you, for whatever reason, are in need of a pastoral visit, acknowledge she may be the one to visit you in her pastoral position.
Pray for her.