Make Sure Your Ministry Marriage Lasts The Distance

My husband John and I, not long ago, celebrated 37 years of marriage. 33 of those years have been a 'ministry marriage'.

I married my good friend and over the years he has become my best and closest friend. I share with you some of the marriage longevity keys have successfully worked for us.

Keep Christ at the centre Keep Christ at the centre of both your personal life and marriage. (Matt 6:33)

Honour your husband, respect him and be his greatest fan. Know that it is only with your help, encouragement and belief in him that he will become the very best him God created him to be. (Gen 2:18)

Do not let sun go down on your wrath Sort the problem, or at least agree to discuss it the next day, before you go to bed at night. (Eph 4:26)

Have time together, alone, without the kids Diarize a regular date night or a midweek night away together.

ministry Marriage

Initiate forgiveness Be the one to take the first step toward forgiveness. (Eph 4:32)

Be his best friend Ensure he is the one you tell things to first, keep his confidences and never put him down in front of others.

Know and understand your man Become a student of your husband. Know his personality temperament, love language, gifting, interests and passions. Understand how he thinks, processes, responds and acts in ways which are different to you.

Tammy Wynette probably wasn't thinking of a ministry marriage when she sung this song but nevertheless it still stands true.

Stand by your man and show the world you love him. Give him all the love you can. Stand by your man.

Tammy Wynette


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