Relationship or Productivity? Which Should Have Priority?

Tulips, I love tulips. You take a tear drop shaped tulip bulb and plant it in the ground, then wait. The warm sun shines, the stem, leaves and buds emerge.

Before you know it, viola and you stand in wonder at the colourful display which ranges all the way from the softest pastel pink through to a vibrant magenta.

The photo at the top of my blog page has captured one such moment.

A planter box overflowing with rain dusted yellow tulips.

Then there in the midst of all that resplendent yellow I spotted this one individual tulip with a streak of vibrant red running through it.

One very unique, stand out tulip.

You and I are like that individual, unique, stand out tulip.

You are a one of, God only has one of you and He desires for you to be the very best you that you can possibly be.

Jeremiah puts is so well in chapter 1:4,5

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

Before you were born I sanctified you – set you apart for Myself, made

you exclusively Mine

I ordained you a prophet to the nations – your call and purpose.      

These verses contain two ‘before’ and four ‘I’.

Before’ I formed you in the womb and ‘before’ you were born.

Pastor’s Wife, God says to you today : I formed you, I knew you, I set you apart for Myself and made you exclusively Mine, I ordained your call and your purpose.

I put within you the call, the desire, the passion to be a shepherd to My people.

I have challenged you, tested and grown you, hedged you in at times and molded your character, also I stretched you to increase your capacity.

I have poured My love on you, proved Myself faithful and dependable to you – this and more.

I have confidence in you and have given My people into your care.

There are many and varied definitions of a pastors’ wife, as well as many and varied expectations placed upon a pastor’s wife.

I remind you, and encourage you to regularly remind yourself, that you are a daughter of the living God before you are a pastor’s wife. God firstly set you apart for Himself and made you exclusively His own and then following this everything you do for Him flows out of who you are in Him, relationship before productivity.

You are a valued, special, unique and chosen woman.


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