What To Do When You Are Pregnant With Possibility
Mary balanced and swayed in rhythm with the donkey, kilometre after gruelling kilometre with her already swollen feet getting larger by the hour as they dangled in space by the donkey’s side.
What Do Stressed Out Pastor’s Wives Say About Putting God First
It was late in the evening. Visiting hours at the hospital had long since finished. Our newborn daughter, whom I had traumatically delivered a few days earlier, was safe and snug in the care of the nursery staff. I walked, or waddled really, arm in arm with my husband to the after-hours exit door.
Announcing 16 Guaranteed Ways To Understand Scripture
Help! Water, water, give me water. Medical professionals tell us we have an intense need for a daily intake of water if we are to maintain a flourishing level of physical health. Replenishing our body with water is essential to avoid dehydration which will drastically impact our physical life.